Official inflation rate from 10/2023 to 10/2024
Personal inflation rate from 10/2023 to 10/2024
Average Monthly Expenditure of Household Monthly expenditure of an average household (3.3 persons) |
Calculation instruction
How does the personal inflation calculator workPersonal inflation calculator uses the expenditure pattern, indicated by a person, to calculate a personal inflation rate. It compares the expenditure pattern of a person to the one of an average household, which is used to calculate the Consumer Price Index, therefore the official inflation rate. Note: Personal inflation rate is not an official inflation rate calculated by Geostat. It is for information purposes only and should not be used for adjustment. Filling in steps 1. Choose a time period Choose the start and end month and year of a period, for which you would like to calculate your personal inflation. 2. Enter your expenditure pattern in corresponding cells Indicate your monthly or annual expenditure (after entering one of them, another is calculated automatically). After filling in all relevant cells, a total monthly and annual expenditure will be calculated below. 3. Interpretation of results After entering expenditures and indicating the time period the program automatically calculates a corresponding personal inflation rate, as well as an actual inflation rate for the chosen period. The results also can be analyzed graphically: the first chart reflects a personal expenditure pattern compared to the pattern of an average household (according to the 12 groups of COICOP). The second chart reflects a comparison of dynamics of personal and actual inflation rates over a chosen time period. Note: Personal and official inflation rate calculated for a long-term period may not match, due to regular updates of the consumer basket and weights of goods and services. |