Project title

Making Every Women and Girl Count Supporting the Monitoring and Implementation of the SDG s through better production and Use of Gender Statistics Good Governance for Gender Equality.Governance systems strengthened for gender equality in Georgia




8 July 2019 – 25 March 2022

Beneficiary – National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat)

Implementing agency – UN WOMEN, Geostat

Type of assistance – Technical assistance 

Main objectives – Capacity of the National Statistical System strengthened to produce the gender-related Tier I and II indicators to address national data gaps; More and better-quality data and analysis are available to promote and track the progress of gender equality and women’s empowerment, to provide support to GEOSTAT to improve its gender statistics products (Women and Men and Gender Portal) on the basis of user satisfaction assessment; to support GEOSTAT to conduct a time use survey and to support gender analysis and dissemination of the findings.

Main results – Update gender portal with recent data for all existing indicators (where the data available, add new indicators on gender portal, update publication "Men and Women" with the recent data and new indicators. Update the design of the publication; Finalize the TUS report; Prepare TUS findings in different formats and disseminate among different stakeholders.