Project title

Ending Violence Against Women and Girls in Georgia (EVAWGG)


UN Women


30 March 2022 – 28 April 2023

Beneficiary – National Statistics Office of Georgia

Implementing agency - National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT), UN Women

Type of assistance - Technical assistance

Main objectives - To obtain reliable estimates of the prevalence of different forms of violence against women and girls at the national level in Georgia, to disaggregate and analyses women’s experiences of violence according to variables such as geographic location, age, income, ethnicity and/or others, to examine men’s and women’s awareness of and attitudes towards issues of violence against women, including its causes, consequences and how it can best be prevented

Main results - the project will facilitate further review and update the survey methodological framework (adapt the questionnaires for women and men, manual and other relevant documents) based on existing best practices, methodologies, and ethical considerations for the production of reliable data on VAW - Derive a sample in line with sampling guidelines - Pilot the questionnaire - Organize and conduct training for interviewers - Conduct fieldwork - Manage cleaning and weighting the data - Analyze the data and contribute to the report writing