Project title

Fostering Decentralization and good governance at the local level in Georgia “and” EU4 ITD: Advancing decentralized, effective and inclusive governance in Georgia”


United Nations Development Program (UNDP)


27 June 2022 – 30 June 2024

Beneficiary - Government of GEORGIA 

Implementing agency - National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT), Municipal Agencies 

Type of assistance - Technical assistance

Main objectives - a working group responsible for the production of municipal statistics should be created; enhance accessibility the municipal data from administrative sources; create the municipal statistical portal

Main results -  Institutional capacity of Geostat for producing municipal statistics has been enhanced and municipal data accessibility - increased through introduction of municipal data portal on Geostat website. Possibility of receiving municipal data from administrative sources was evaluated; Availability of municipal statistics data already available and increased at Geostat; municipal statistics portal was created and is available at Geostat webpage