Project title

50x2030 Initiative Data Smart Agriculture Closing the agricultural data gap: contribution to the 50 x 2030 initiative (FMM/GLO/125/MUL)


contribution to the 50 x 2030 initiative (FMM/GLO/125/MUL)


1 July 2021 – Current

Beneficiary - National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT)

Implementing agency - National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat), Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture (MEPA)

Type of assistance - Technical assistance

Main objectives - Minimize data gaps in agriculture and develop new reliable indicators. Georgia strengthens its agricultural statistics system by consolidating the assistance provided under the 50x2030 Initiative and AGRI Survey. It will implement a system on modular agricultural surveys assuring availability of good quality and timely information for the agricultural sector, and better use of the information to inform and orient national and regional policies, – Develop existing agriculture statistics infrastructure and develop national capacities to produce and use agricultural data

Main results - Improved data collection, analysis, and dissemination process, Intensive capacity building for a) data producers (e.g., Geostat) involved in data collection, analysis, and dissemination process;Improved agriculture statistics data ecosystem and expanded data sharing, data use and communication practices, and enhanced coordination mechanisms on agricultural statistics. SDG 2.3.1, 2.3.2 and 2.4.1 indicators calculated and disseminated; SDG Gender related indicators (SDG 5.a.1.a and 5.a.1.b) and main sex-disaggregated data available