The Executive Director of Geostat Participates in the Expert Group Meeting

Date: 24 May 2018

The Executive Director of National Statistics Office of Georgia Mr. Gogita Todradze is participating in the Expert Group Meeting, organized by the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (EOCD) and Eurostat. The meeting is held at the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico (INEGI) on 23-25 May. 
The precondition of the meeting was the decision of the UN Statistical Commission on updating the methodological guidelines for business statistics and business registers. At the initial stage the experts group of business statistics was created from various countries of the world to be involved in the preparation process of a new methodological guidelines. 
The expert group was selected by the UN and Eurostat from the countries with well-developed business statistics and business registers according to their assessment as well as has made a significant progress in the short period. 
During the formation of the group, 5-6 countries were selected from different continents around the world. It is remarkable, that Georgia has been included in six countries selected from Europe together with Italy, France, Austria, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. 
The experience of group participants will be included in the updated methodological guidelines as an example of best practices. Current version of existing methodology is available on the following link: