Asset Ownership from a Gender Perspective

Date: 27 June 2018

Today, Mr. Tengiz Tsekvava, the deputy director of National Statistics Office of Georgia and Mr. Kaushal Joshi, Principal Statistician at Asian Development Bank presented the results of the pilot survey on “Measuring Asset Ownership and Entrepreneurship from a Gender Perspective”.
The goal of the pilot survey is collecting data on asset ownership and entrepreneurship. The survey is a part of a global initiative of United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), which serves to create a methodology for producing statistical data on asset ownership and entrepreneurship.
Geostat conducted the pilot survey with a technical and financial support of Asian Development Bank.
The survey sampling size, representative on the national level, made up approximately 3,100 households.
Detailed report of the survey results is available at the web-page of Geostat.