Geostat Started Trainings on New Survey

Date: 22 August 2018

National Statistics Office of Georgia in collaboration with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) started one-month trainings on new “Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - 2018 Georgia MICS.” The program was developed by the United Nations Children’s Fund to collect the main data that are used to assess the situation of children and women in Georgia. During the period of 20th of August to 15th of September trainings will be attended by more than 100 field personnel of the survey.
The “2018 Georgia MICS” survey is conducted at country level and includes 14120 households. In terms of survey, it would be possible to get information as about the situation of women children in Georgia so about quality of potable water and blood lead level in children.
After one-month trainings, the basic fieldwork of “2018 Georgia MICS” survey will start from September 20 to December 20.