Geostat will develop a medium-term strategy for the strengthening of statistics

Date: 5 December 2018

The National Statistics Office of Georgia with the support of the United Nations Development Programm (UNDP), started work on the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics in the country in 2019-2023. 
The purpose of preparation of strategic document is to develop statistical system in the country, to improve the statistical data collection, processing, disseminating and use. Herewith the above - mentioned strategy will be considered as a national policy document that will be developed with broad participation of stakeholders and contain medium and long-term vision, for strengthening capabilities of statistical system in the country. 
International expert is visiting Geostat from the period 3-10 December in the framework of the development Strategy, which will hold meetings with Geostat staff. 
During the process of the strategy preparation the meetings with international and local experts, as well as with the information producers and users are planned, where the challenges and possibilities of the National Statistical System will be discussed.