Presentation of the National Accounts Portal

Date: 9 September 2020

The National Statistics Office of Georgia has presented a new interactive portal of National Accounts. Mr. Gogita Todradze, Executive Director of Geostat, addressed the audience gathered at the Courtyard by Marriott Hotel. According to him, the National Accounts Portal provides an opportunity for analytical analysis of the main macroeconomic indicators of the country.

As the head of the agency explained, the portal consists of three parts - GDP, national accounts and regional analysis. According to him, there is a special section in the portal, where the gross domestic product (GDP) is graphically presented according to production, expenditure and revenue methods. The same section presents the dynamics of nominal GDP, real GDP growth and GDP per capita as well.

Part of the national accounts allows the user to graphically see the complete system of national accounts, both for a particular year and in dynamics by years. As for the part of regional analysis, it presents the structure and dynamics of GDP by regions, which is of particular importance in regional analysis.
The National Accounts Portal can be found on the following link: