Women and Men in Georgia, 2020

Date: 29 January 2021

The National Statistics Office of Georgia, with the support of the UN WOMEN, has prepared a statistical publication "Women and Men in Georgia 2020". The publication is the fourteenth edition and it is available in Georgian and English languages.
Compared to previous years, the new edition also covers new indicators obtained from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) conducted by Geostat in 2018, that are fully in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.
The statistics presented in the publication reflect the main trends of gender equality in the country in 2019. This publication is also distinguished by the fact that the analysis of certain areas of gender statistics is given.
The statistical publication "Women and Men in Georgia 2020" is available for every user on the Geostat website https://www.geostat.ge/media/36192/Women-and-Men-in-georgia%2C-2020.pdf and on Gender Statistics Portal http://gender.geostat.ge/gender/index.php?lang=en.