Presentation of an updated online business register portal

Date: 13 April 2021

Today, on April 13, a working meeting was held between the National Statistics Office of Georgia and the Business Association of Georgia (BAG). Mr. Gogita Todradze, Executive Director of Geostat, presented the updated portal of the online business register to the representatives of the member companies of the Association. The meeting was attended by the Executive Director of the Association Mr. Levan Vepkhvadze.

The updated online business register portal provides an opportunity to find detailed information about enterprises operating in Georgia. Through the portal, the user has the opportunity to receive the information such as: the actual and legal address of the economic entity, information about the founders and persons with representative powers, to see the connection between the owners and founders of different companies and more.

According to Mr. Gogita Todradze, Executive Director of Geostat, "The business register is the major complex register of the country, which records all legal persons and individuals engaged in public or entrepreneurial activities in the country on the basis of common principles of identification. It contains regulated information on all entities." According to him, the register enables any user to easier find, group and analyze the necessary information.

"The new platform prepared by Geostat is very important for companies, businesses and business operators. First of all, it gives a complete and comprehensive picture of the business environment in Georgia. Companies will be able to find partners, including by geographical distribution. The portal will allow financial institutions to receive comprehensive information about specific companies,” stated Mr. Levan Vepkhvadze, Executive Director of the Business Association.

The online business register portal also includes information according to the NACE Rev.2 classification of major activities of the economic entity at the country level as well as at the regional and municipal levels.

The online business register is available on the official website of Geostat and is accessible to all interested parties.