Date: 28 June 2021

Today, on June 28,  Mr. Gogita Todradze, Executive Director of Geostat,  presented  mid-term report on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CVRS) at the UN ESCAP panel meeting. 

Mr. Gogita Todradze introduced to the attendees the peculiarities of production and calculation of vital statistics in the country. He highlighted the changes taken place in this field in recent years and reviewed the annual report on vital statistics, which was prepared with the support of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health Initiative and the Statistics Division of the ESCAP.   

The meeting was attended by the Under-Sercretary General of the United Nations,  Director of Statistics Division of the ESCAP, the Chair of the Regional Steering Group for Civil Registration and Vital Statistics, Ministers of Justice of different countries, as well as about hundred representatives of international and non-governmental organizations.