Mr. Gogita Todradze Chaired the Meeting of the Bureau of the ESCAP Committee on Statistics

Date: 29 September 2021

The meeting of the Bureau of the Committee on Statistics of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) was held online, on September 29, 2021. The session was chaired by Mr. Gogita Todradze, Executive Director of Geostat, and the Chair of the Committee on Statistics.

At the Bureau meeting, the participants discussed the decisions made under the previous session and its results, talked about important topics such as big data production, raising awareness on the significance of statistical data, strengthening institutional cooperation etc. At the meeting, Mr. Gogita Todradze highlighted, the necessity and importance of the use of alternative statistics production methods, administrative sources, and big data.

In addition, during the Bureau meeting, the date of the next meeting of the Committee on Statistics was set, which will be held next year in Bangkok. Therefore, a preliminary agenda was developed at the Bureau meeting.

The meeting was attended by the heads of various statistical offices and the ESCAP Statistics Division and by the Bureau members.

It should be mentioned that Mr. Gogita Todradze was elected as the chair of the Bureau of Committee on Statistics of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific for a two-year term on August 26, 2020.