Geostat Published the Report on Mirror Comparison in International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS)

Date: 15 October 2021

National Statistics Office of Georgia continues cooperation with Statistics Denmark within the framework of the EU Twinning project. In the period from April 2019 to May 2021, with the guidance of Danish experts Geostat has carried out Mirror Comparison in International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS).

Mirror Comparison in IMTS is one of the activities defined by the National Strategy for the Development of Official Statistics of Georgia 2020-2023. In addition, Mirror Comparison is set out in the 2021-2023 Action Plan for the Implementation of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) with the European Union.

Mirror analysis of foreign trade data is one of the most commonly used instruments for comparison data quality of external trade statistics between partner countries in trade.

In theory, exports from one country should be the mirror image of imports to its partner countries. In practice, there are discrepancies between the two. Thus, identification of partner countries and commodities with largest asymmetries and identifying the main reasons causing them is essential for production of coherent and comparable statistical data.

Within the framework of the Twinning project, a detailed analysis of the data series reflecting the international merchandise trade between Georgia and the European Union was carried out by countries and commodity positions.

Three data sources were used in order to extract data and create tables for analyzing asymmetries: Geostat data, Comext (Eurostat) and Comtrade (UN) databases.

The compilation was followed by the selection of six partner countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Romania) and the largest commodity groups relevant to them. The result of the work is a Report on Mirror Comparison in International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS), which includes an overview of the project, compilation practice of External Merchandise Trade Statistics in Georgia, specific examinations identified during the Mirror Comparison and key findings concerning possible reasons causing asymmetries.