Gogita Todradze delivered a speech at the meeting of the Steering Committee of EUROSTAT Regional Project (STEP)

Date: 9 December 2021

On December 8, 2021 was held the third meeting of the Steering Committee, of the first regional project of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries, initiated by Eurostat.


The Steering Committee was attended by the heads of the National Statistical Offices of the beneficiary countries, Eurostat, the Directorate General of the European Commission (DG NEAR), as well as members of the project consortium and national focal points (PNCs).


The meeting was opened with a welcome speech and the meeting was chaired by Eurostat.


The leaders of the STEP Expert Group summarized the work done within the project in a presentation format and focused on the challenges that hindered certain activities.


Taking into consideration the current state of play, Eurostat has officially confirmed its decision to extend STEP until the end of July 2022. The beneficiary countries welcomed the decision and pledged their support to the group of experts in carrying out their common tasks.


Gogita Todradze, Executive Director of GEOSTAT, addressed the participants of the Steering Committee meeting. In the field of statistics, he emphasized the importance of the Eastern Partnership initiative as a political tool on the path to European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the country. Gogita Todradze noted with satisfaction the support of the European Commission Directorate and Eurostat in the partner countries for the development of the official statistics system and positively assessed the results obtained in STEP over the past two years.


He thanked the experts involved in the project, their leader, the members of the consortium and Eurostat, who, based on the needs of the statistical services in the region and taking into account the existing challenges, were able to adapt in a short time and set the necessary priorities.


The Executive Director expressed hope that despite the challenges, GEOSTAT will continue to operate as an independent, strong office. Which one for its part expresses the readiness of the Government of Georgia to develop a system of official statistics in accordance with the United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics and the European Statistics Code of Practice. In his speech, in the context of resolving common global issues, it was also emphasized  the importance of involving national statistical offices in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).