Geostat starts producing Tourism Satellite Accounts

Date: 23 December 2021

Geostat has been conducting Domestic and Inbound tourism surveys since 2014 and Outbound Tourism Survey since 2019. Based on these surveys, it is possible to produce key indicators of tourism statistics.


Ongoing tourism statistics surveys are in full compliance with international standards and are based on the World Tourism Organization's 2008 edition - International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics (UNWTO IRTS 2008 ). It is noteworthy that during working on methodological issues, Geostat worked closely with local and foreign organizations, such as the National Bank of Georgia, the National Tourism Administration of Georgia, as well as the Statistical Offices of Sweden, Austria, Denmark and the Czech Republic.


Following the introduction of Outbound Tourism Survey in Georgia, producing Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA) has been on the agenda, which is a standard statistical framework and one of the main tools for measuring the economic effects of tourism. It was developed by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Eurostat and the United Nations Statistics Division.


The World Tourism Organization’s publication "Tourism Satellite Reports: Recommended Methodological Framework 2008 " (also known as TSA: RMF 2008) provides the updated common conceptual framework for compiling the TSA. It is based on the concepts, classifications and definitions of the National Accounting System (SNA 2008), which are the international standard for a systematic summary of national economic activities.


Thus, the TSA is an opportunity to harmonize and reconcile tourism statistics and integrates 10 key tables:

♦   Inbound tourism expenditures;
♦   Domestic tourism expenditures;
♦   Outbound tourism expenditures;
♦   Internal tourism expenditures;
♦   Production accounts of tourism industries;
♦   The Gross Value Added (GVA) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) attributable to tourism;
♦   Employment;
♦   Investment,
♦   Government consumption;
♦   Non-monetary indicators.


The development of the first four tables of Tourism Satellite Accounts in Georgia was considered within the framework of the EU Twinning project, implemented by Geostat together with the Statistics Office of Denmark. Within the project, Geostat also actively cooperated with the experts from the Statistics Office of Czech Republic and the National Tourism Administration of Georgia, which resulted with a methodology for calculating the relevant indicators of Tourism Satellite Accounts in Georgia.


Due to restrictions and security measures caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, during certain quarters of 2020-2021, Geostat’s Inbound and Outbound tourism surveys were temporarily suspended. Therefore, the data for 2019 was used to calculate the indicators provided in the first four tables of Tourism Satellite Accounts. However, due to the lack of some indicators, expert estimations and imputations were necessary for expenditures in some of the categories. As a result, these tables are calculated by experimental methodology.


It is also important to note that after resuming the temporarily suspended surveys and refining the relevant questionnaires, Geostat will be able to produce internationally comparable data.


It should be noted that the development of these first four tables is one of the first steps in developing comprehensive Tourism Satellite Accounts. Also, Geostat plans to start working on the methodology for compiling the rest of the tables in the near future, which will ensure the further development and improvement of tourism satellite Accounts.