Geostat developed the interactive portal of Foreign Direct Investment

Date: 25 February 2022

National Statistics Office of Georgia held a presentation of a new product - "Foreign Direct Investments - FDI ". In Tbilisi Marriot Mr. Gogita Todradze, Executive Director of Geostat, addressed the attendants with the welcome speech.  According to the head of GEOSTAT, the Foreign Direct Investment Portal is a new direction in terms of data visualization and dissemination of foreign investment data.


The new portal is one of the most important, interactive platform for data dissemination, which allows users of statistical information indicators  related to Foreign Direct  Investment in various contexts.


Through the new FDI portal, the users have the opportunity, according to their wish and need, to generate Foreign Direct Investment data by country-sector or sector-country, compare two FDI reporting periods by major countries, sectors and components, and etc.


There is an interactive world map on the portal which presents the data by investor countries of Georgia directly, and it is also one of the best tools for analyzing Foreign Direct Investment. Also there are the classifications used in the data accounting, the methodology for calculation of key indicators, including the video with the pronunciation of sign language translation  and metadata.


The new product is available on the Geostat website from today, in Georgian and English languages. The data will be updated on a quarterly basis, in parallel with the dissemination of Foreign Direct Investment data.


Foreign Direct Investment portal is available at the following link:
