Mr. Gogita Todradze participates in the closing event of STEP regional project

Date: 1 July 2022

On June 30, Eurostat held the closing event of the first regional project of Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries - STEP. The event, held online, was attended by the heads of the National Statistical Offices of the beneficiary countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus), Eurostat, the Directorate General of the European Commission (DG NEAR), as well as members of the project consortium and national focal points (PNCs).


The goal of the three-year project was to promote the development of official statistics production within the framework of the Eastern Partnership Initiative.


The executive director of Geostat participated in the event as a speaker. During the presentation, Mr. Gogita Todradze emphasized the importance of the Eastern Partnership initiative as a political tool in the field of statistics in the path of European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the country. He also noted the support of the European Commission Directorate and Eurostat in the partner countries for the development of the official statistics system and positively assessed the results achieved within the project.


The Executive Director of Geostat expressed the gratitude towards the project management for the work done on the coordination of the country's national statistical system and the improvement of legal norms.