National Statistics Office of Georgia has started the informational meetings in the regions

Date: 16 July 2022

The National Statistics Office of Georgia has started the informational meetings with users. The first meeting was held in Guria region, the audience was the users of statistical information of Ozurgeti, Lanchkhuti and Chokhatauri municipalities - self-government employees, representatives of the business sector, non-governmental organizations, academia and the media.


The main objective of the meeting was to introduce the necessary information, methodologies as well as the data production process by Geostat to the statistical data users in Guria region.


Within the framework of the meeting, participants got information about the main directions of the development of Georgian  statistical system, products,  services and future plans developed by Geostat as well as the methodologies for calculating statistical indicators and issues related to their use; Various statistical indicators and data needs were discussed in the planning and decision making process. 


Mr. Gogita Todradze, the Executive Director of National Statistics office of Georgia has stated, such kind of informational meetings are very important for the statistical data users and facilitate to raise awareness regarding issues of interest to them.


The National Statistics Office of Georgia plans to hold meetings with the representatives of all regions, business sector, non-governmental organizations, academia, as well as the media.