Geostat is introducing new technologies in the agricultural statistics

Date: 14 November 2022

On 14 November the meeting, organized by the Asian Development Bank was held in the framework of the project: “Development of New Statistical Resources and Building Capacity in New Data Sources and Technologies”


The project covers three directions: remote sensing and geospatial analysis, introduction of satellite accounts in national accounts and assessment of population mobility using mobile phone data.


Mr. Gogita Todradze, Executive Director of Geostat opened the meeting with the welcome speech. “Caring for the professional and personal development of employees remains one of the top priorities for Geostat, since improving staff professional skills and capacities is directly related to the production of high quality, improved statistical data, also to the improvement of analytical activities and the introduction of modern and effective data dissemination systems as well”, stated Mr. Todradze.


Mr. Shane Rosenthal, Asian Development Bank Country Director for Georgia, Mr. Suzuki Toshiyuki, Deputy Chief of Mission Embassy of Japan in Georgia and Mr. Hiroyuki Mori, Japan International Cooperation Agency Representative in Georgia gave the speech at the event as well.


In the framework of the above-mentioned project, the trainings will be held for Geostat employees, working in the direction of agricultural statistics and geographic information systems.