Visit of the delegation of the Kyrgyz Republic to GEOSTAT

Date: 8 December 2022

The National Statistics Office of Georgia is hosting a High-level delegation from the Kyrgyz Republic. The delegation represents by the Deputy Minister of Education and Science, the Deputy Minister of Labour, Social Security and Migration, the Deputy Minister of Finance, representatives of Government agencies and Local self-government as well as the experts of the Kyrgyz Republic.


The main objective of the meeting is to introduce the Kyrgyz colleagues with the new standards of employment and unemployment statistics, which was developed in  the Labor Force survey in 2020.


The Georgian statisticians introduced  the new standards of the International Labor Organization to the Kyrgyz colleagues and also shared their experience of cooperation with the international organizations at the meeting. Besides that they introduced the methods used for recalculation of historical rows, changes caused by the introduction of new standards and additional indicators related to the new standards


During the meeting, the high- level representatives of the Kyrgyz Republic were introduced with the recent developments of  GEOSTAT in terms of improving Labor Force statistics and significant achievements in line with the international standards.