Strategic Review of the National Statistical System Takes Place in Georgia

Date: 11 September 2023

Strategic Review of the national statistical system takes place in Georgia. The review is organized by the Eurostat, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).


In this regard, during the current week, international experts are visiting Geostat. The mission includes representatives of both international organizations (Eurostat, UNECE, EFTA) and statistical offices of the EU member states. 


The goal of the mission is strategic review of the national statistical system of Georgia, determination of the level of conformity with the European standards, finding out the deficiencies of the system and development of relevant recommendations.


As the part of strategic review, working meetings will be held with the producers of official statistics, as well as with the users of statistical information, representatives of scientific community and journalists.


The strategic review of the national statistical system of Georgia started in June 2023 and will continue until the end of this year. The first stage of the review included the filling out of a self-assessment questionnaire by Geostat, its review and analysis by experts during the mission.


At the end of the visit, the mission will prepare an interim report of the review, which will prescribe in details the recommendations, the implementation of which will contribute to the further development of the country's statistical system and its approximation with the European standards. The recommendations included in the final review report will be the basis for the development of the Strategy of Statistical System of 2024-2027 years.  The new strategy is planned to be developed by the end of this year.


The final report of the review will be placed on the Geostat’s website and will become available for any user. 


It is important to note, that the previous Strategic Review of the National Statistical System of Georgia was conducted in 2018-2019 years.  By the present condition the majority of recommendations of the previous review have been implemented.