Executive Director of Geostat Participates in the Meetings Held in the United Nations

Date: 21 September 2023

Mr. Gogita Todradze, Executive Director of Geostat participates at the international conference on population and housing censuses organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The UNECE Census Week: The Meeting of the Group of Experts and Workshop on Population and Housing Censuses is taking place in Geneva, Switzerland during this week.     


Within the framework of the meeting, panel discussions are held regarding the population and housing Censuses. The experience of different countries, including the use of the latest technologies of data collection within the population and housing censuses, as well as the modern data dissemination tools are discussed during the meeting.


At the meeting, Mr. Gogita Todradze shared Georgian experience regarding the ongoing and planned activities within the framework of the 2024 Population Census, as well as the innovations introduced by Geostat.


This meeting is held annually and more than 100 participants from 50 countries, representatives of international and local organizations, experts and high officials participate in it. It is an important platform in terms of sharing experiences related to population censuses in different countries, evaluating progress and ensuring compliance with UN recommendations.


Mr. Paata Shavishvili, Deputy Executive Director, and Mr. Alexander Arabuli, Head of the Population and Demographic Statistics Department of Geostat are participating in the UNECE Census Week together with the head of Geostat. 



It should be mentioned that the last Population Census in Georgia was conducted in 2014. The next Census is planned for the period from November 14 to December 19, 2024. Furthermore, Geostat will conduct this census using modern technologies (self-registration and tablets), without paper questionnaires.