Georgia Ranks 5th Position Globally by Production of Gender Statistics

Date: 21 March 2024

The organization "Open Data Watch" has published the Gender Data Compass Assessment Report, which presents the global ranking in terms of production, availability and openness of gender statistics data.


According to the assessment, Georgia ranks 5th position out of 185 countries worldwide, in terms of availability and openness of gender data. Georgia outstrips all EU countries except Denmark.


According to the above-mentioned report, Georgia is significantly ahead of such developed countries as the USA, Canada, Switzerland, Japan, China, Australia etc.


The country scores were  determined based on assessment of the availability and openness of gender statistics data. In addition, the assessment was made according to several criteria, including the availability of gender-disaggregated data in the country, openness, capacity and financing.


"Open Data Watch" ranking, which presents data about Georgia, is available at the following link: