The Session of the Interagency Council was Held by Geostat

Date: 26 March 2024

The 4th session of the Interagency Council was held by Geostat in order to review the National Strategy for Development of Official Statistics for 2024-2027 and associated Action Plan. Mr. Gogita Todradze, Executive Director of Geostat Chaired the Council meeting.  


The council consists of 12 members,  including the Vice President of the National Bank of Georgia, Administration of the Government of Georgia and representatives of the 8 Ministries at the  level of deputy ministers. 


During the first part of the meeting, the annual Implementation and Monitoring Report of the National Strategy for Development of Official Statistics for 2021 - 2023 and Action Plan were introduced to the members of the council. The action plan was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Handbook and included 3 goals, 11 tasks and 70 activities. Mr. Gogita Todradze presented detailed information to the members of the council about the implementation of the work defined by each goal and task, indicating the responsible agencies, the required budget and the deadlines for implementation. The council approved the report, which will be posted on Geostat website in the next few days.


The second part of the meeting was dedicated to the process of the development of the National Strategy for Development of Official Statistics for 2024-2027 and Action Plan as well as the detailed review of the draft Policy Documents. These policy documents have been developed by the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The document is focused on national and international needs, responds to the demand for data needed for policy development, defines the priority directions for statistical development; Ensures reasonableness of statistical activities and distribution of financial resources.


The draft policy documents have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Handbook. The action plan for 2024 -2025 of the same strategy consists of 3 goals, 9 tasks and 91 activities.


Along with the members of the interagency council the meeting was attended by the local experts involved in the project, representatives of Geostat and other agencies.   


At the end of the meeting, the council members approved the presented draft policy documents. The documents will be sent to the Government of Georgia for approval. After this, the documents will be published at the official website of Geostat.