Sector Review of Environmental Statistics is Underway in Geostat

Date: 2 May 2024

From April 30 to May 2, Geostat hosts foreign experts. The mission is organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and aims at the sector review of environmental statistics.


The sector review mission includes representatives of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the National Statistics Offices of Luxembourg and Kazakhstan.


The primary goal of the sector review mission is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of Georgia's official environmental statistics and evaluate its compatibility with international standards. During the mission, working meetings will be conducted with the management of Geostat, employees of the Department of Agriculture and Environment Statistics, representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture of Georgia, international organizations, various agencies focusing on environmental issues, as well as users of statistical information and other interested parties (media, scientific circle, etc.).


After the mission, foreign experts will prepare a report containing conclusions and recommendations. The document will be a significant guideline for the further development of environmental statistics in Georgia.


The development of environmental statistics is the key priority for Geosat and is included in the Action Plan of the Strategy for the Development of Official Statistics of Georgia (2024-2027).
