2024 Population and Agricultural Census

Date: 4 June 2024

The Population and Agricultural Census of Georgia will be conducted from November 14 to December 19, 2024. Today, Mr. Gogita Todradze, Executive Director of the National Statistics Office of Georgia held a briefing on this topic.

The Population and Agricultural Census of Georgia will be conducted in 2 stages:
The first stage: from November 14-23, self-registration of the population will be carried out throughout the country, allowing citizens to fill out the census questionnaires on a pre-prepared web platform without the assistance of Geostat staff.
The second stage: from November 29 to December 19, up to 11,000 field personnel trained by Geostat will conduct door-to-door interviews with residents throughout Georgia using special questionnaires.
Taking into account that in November – December visiting households in some mountainous areas could become problematic due to the possible deterioration of the weather conditions, a population census will be conducted in the villages of Mestia, Lentekhi, Kazbegi, Dusheti (in the administrative units of Gudamakri, Kvesheti, Khevsureti, Ukanapshavi, Shatili, Magharoskari) Akhmeta (in the administrative unit of Omalo) and Pasanauri   in September 2024.

In order to optimize the efficiency of available financial and human resources, the Agricultural Census will be carried out together with the Population Census in 2024. Therefore, along with the socio-demographic data, the information on households’ agricultural activities will be collected will be collected through a special questionnaire. In particular, this will include data on the structure of land used by households, the number of livestock and poultry, and other important information at the level of municipalities, territorial units, and villages

The budget for Population and Agricultural Census is 29.2 million GEL.

The legal basis for conducting the census is the Law of Georgia "On Official Statistics" of May 31, 2023, GEOSTAT Decree and other relevant legislative acts.

The law determines the procedure for defining the census data, its preparation, conducting, processing of the obtained materials, publication and dissemination of the results, establishes the basic provisions and methods of the census, the participation of citizens in the census, state guarantees for the protection of the confidentiality of individual data obtained as a result of the census.

All citizens of Georgia, as well as all citizens of foreign countries and stateless persons living in the territory of Georgia, are obliged to participate in the census.

The preliminary results of the census will be published in June 2025, and the final results following- in June 2026.