The National Strategy for the Development of Official Statistics in Georgia for 2024-2027 was Approved

Date: 7 June 2024

The Government of Georgia has approved the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics in Georgia. The document covers the years 2024-2027.


This key document of the Georgia’s national politics was drafted in a coordination with the government agencies and based on the recommendations and experiences of the international statistical organizations. The policy document was developed with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The strategy determines priority areas for statistical development, considers both national and international needs, addresses data requirements crucial for policymaking and ensures reasonableness of statistical activities and rational allocation of financial resources.


The aim of strategical document is the development of country’s statistical system and improvement of collection, procession, dissemination and usage of the statistical information”, - stated Mr. Gogita Todradze, Executive Director of Geostat. “Moreover, this strategy serves as the national policy document, developed with the involvement of interested parties and comprises medium-term and long-term vision for strengthening the capabilities of statistical system in the country.”

The Policy document is based on the requirements of the Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Handbook. Improvement of statistical systems consists of three main goals and nine tasks. The associated Action plan for 2024 – 2025 includes 91 activities.  There priority areas outlined in the strategy are as follows: producing the user oriented high-quality statistics to facilitate evidence-based decision-making, fostering trust and cooperation to establish an effective data management system and to promoting data usage.  


In order to coordinate the development of the strategic document, inter-agency council was established in August, 2023 which included the representative of eleven agencies and presided by the Executive Director of Geostat. 


The strategic document is available on the website of Geostat: