Geostat Started Cooparation with Statistics Finland

Date: 15 July 2024

As the part of the EU-funded twinning project "Further Strengthening of Georgian Statistical System” the National Statistical Office of Georgia, hosts Ms. Mari Ylä-Jarkko, Deputy Director General of Statistics Finland and Ms. Katri Kaaja, MS Project Leader. 


The purpose of the two-day mission is to get introduced to the current situation at Geostat, conduct preparatory work for implementation of one of the components of the project (Enhancing the Methodological Soundness in Standards and Classification in Line with the EU requirements) and to outline future plans.


During the mission, the representatives of Statistics Finland met with Mr. Gogita Todradze, Executive Director of Geostat, Mr. Todradze addressed the Finnish colleagues with a welcoming speech and introduced the structure of the National Statistical System of Georgia, the current situation and future plans.


At the meeting, Mr. Gogita Todradze also discussed the Geostat’s activities and ongoing projects.  


Throughout the mission, Finnish experts will meet with the heads and employees of the structural units involved in the Twinning Project.


The implementation of the twinning project in Geostat was started in April 2024 and will continue for 2 years. The project aims to strengthen the statistics system in the country, to produce timely, internationally comparable, reliable data and to ensure its alignment with  European standards. Cooperation includes three main components: Enhancing the Methodological Soundness in Standards and Classification in Line with the EU requirements, Development of Demographic and Population statistics and  Strengthening the Capacity of Government Institutions for the Production and Use of Official Statistics.


The twinning project in Geostat is carried out in collaboration with the Statistics Finland, which has one of the most developed statistical systems in the world, together with the statistical offices of Germany and Italy.