2024 Population and Agricultural Census Portal Presentation

Date: 24 October 2024

National Statistics Office of Georgia presented the 2024 Population and Agricultural Census portal.


Mr.Gogita Todradze Executive Director of Geostat  adressed with the welcome speech ,guests gathered at the presentation. According to him, the portal gives the user an opportunity to get acquainted with any information about the 2024 Population and Agricultural Census in one space.


The portal brings together topics such as the 2024 Census goals, objectives and used methodology. Also, the web platform includes questionnaires, legal bases of the census and other issues.


The self-registration electronic platform link is integrated into the portal, which will be activated from 14 to 23 November. With the self-registration method, population will have the opportunity, independently, without an interviewer,  fill out the census electronic questionnaire at a time and place convenient for them. After completing the electronic questionnaire, he will be assigned a special code, which must be presented to the Geostat interviewer when they visit him. 


2024 Population and Agricultural Census will be conducted in the period from November 14 to December 19.


The Census consists of two stages: In the first stage, from November 14-23  the data will be collected through self-registration, and in the second stage, from November 29 to December 19, the data will be collected by the Geostat interviewers through door-to-door method, using tablets.


As part of the Census, accurate and up-to-date data will be available on population size, age and sex structure, various demographic and socio-economic characteristics, as well as on the agricultural activity of households at the level of self-governing units and settlements.


Population and agricultural census is conducted once in 10 years.


2024 Population and Agricultural Census portal can be found at the following link

