Census 2024 Second Phase Has Started. From November 29 Data Will Be Collected Through the Door-To-Door Method

Date: 28 November 2024

The Population and Agricultural Census 2024 will be proceeded through the door-to-door method from November 29. Geostat interviewers will collect the data until December 19. 


For this purpose, approximately 12,000 interviewers have been trained by Geostat.  They will visit the households within their operational territories using the door-to-door method.    Geostat interviewers will use tablet to interview one or more adult family members, and collect information about the families and each member within them. The average time to complete the questionnaire is 20-30 minutes.


The Population and Agricultural Census has started on November 14, using the self-registration method. The process of self-registration is ongoing to November 28. More than 150,000 citizens have already used this method. Upon the interviewer's arrival, already registered citizens will present the code assigned to them through self-registration to confirm their participation in the census. Those who have not completed self-registration are required to answer the questions by the Geostat interviewer to ensure their inclusion in the census process.


The census, due to its scope and content, represents a unique source of information about the social, economic and demographic condition of the population.As part of the Census, accurate and up-to-date data will be available on population size, age and sex structure, various demographic and socio-economic characteristics, employment, education, health status, livelihoods, and housing.


The Agricultural Census will be carried out together with the Population Census in 2024. Thus, along with the socio-demographic data,the information on households’ agricultural activities will be collected. In particular, this will include data on the structure of land used by households, the number of livestock and poultry, and beehives.


All citizens of Georgia, as well as all citizens of foreign countries (who plan to stay in Georgia for more than 12 months) and stateless persons (who plan to stay in Georgia for more than 12 months) living in the territory of Georgia, are obliged to participate in the census.


According to Articles 34 and 35 of the Law of Georgia "On Official Statistics", individual data are confidential and not subject to disclosure. Individual data about the respondent is stored in the manner established by the current legislation of Georgia.


The preliminary results of the census will be published in June 2025, and the final results following- in June 2026.
