Visit of the International Monetary Fund Expert

Date: 10 October 2018

An expert of the International Monetary Fund, Bent Thage, former Director of the Economic Department of Statistics Denmark, is on a working visit to the National Statistics Office of Georgia. 
The expert will work together with employees of the National Accounts Department of Geostat for two weeks and will assist them in implementing the System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA 2008). Review of the calculation methods of outputs and value added of the activities (primarily in the government, education, health and financial intermediary sectors) is also planned in terms of their compliance with SNA 2008 methodology. 
Expert recommendations will also include the following issues: implementation of the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities, Rev.2 (NACE Rev. 2) in National Accounts, calculation of the expenditures for Research and Development and improvement of the methods of compiling of Supply and Use Tables.