Meeting with the Representatives of Non-governmental Organization

Date: 3 July 2015

Today National Statistics Office of Georgia hosted the representatives of a non-governmental organization operating in the country. During the meeting the Executive Director of the Geostat introduced the completed and ongoing projects. Besides, the management of the Geostat made the presentation about the performance of the office. During the meeting both sides discussed the amendments proposed to the Law of Georgia on Official Statistics and other current issues. 

Ms. Meri Daushvili, the Executive Director of the Geostat stated that the constant dialogue with the users of Statistical information and a permanent share of information are extremely important. 
According to Ms. Daushvili NGOs, as an active part of civil society, should be involved in this sort of meetings in order to receive more information about the ongoing projects, as the Executive Director pointed out such meetings will be conducted in the future.