The annual meeting with Swedish colleagues was held in Geostat

Date: 12 April 2016

In the framework of cooperation project between Geostat and Statistics Sweden the annual closing meeting was held in National Statistics Office of Georgia. 
The representatives of Geostat, Statistics Sweden and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency attended the meeting. 
The meeting summed up the results achieved during the last year in the framework of project. Current issues and future plans were discussed as well. 
According to Meri Daushvili, Executive Director of Geostat, two sides discussed the achieved results during 2015 in the framework of project and the plans of 2016, such as short-term mission topics, staff trainings of Geostat, etc. 
The cooperation project between Geostat and Statistics Sweden has been carried out since 2011. A new phase of project was launched last year, which will last till 2018. In the framework of project Statistics Sweden provides technical support to Geostat in the fields of inflation, gross domestic product, staff training and quality improvement of other main statistical components. The project is fully funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.