Meeting with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Date: 11 September 2017

Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Georgia Ms. Mariam Valishvili and Deputy Executive Director of the National Statistics Office of Georgia Mr. Gogita Todradze attended the meeting in the framework of the program of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) “Sustainable Energy for All in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia”.
The main objective of the meeting is the “access to sustainable energy in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia”. The National Statistics Office and the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources are the supporting and engaged institutions of the UN project in Georgia. The above-mentioned project is the part of the implementing mechanism of UN 2030 goals. The meeting were represented by the following countries (Georgia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kirghizia). The main purpose of the meeting is to increase awareness of the experts of national energy statistics regarding the international standards of sustainable energy statistics and to share the best practice for collecting energy data and monitoring, as well.