Declarated Data


2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 I 2023 II 2023 III 2023 IV 2024
Turnover, Million Gel 1018.5 1195.9 1410.0 715.7 990.9 1421.1 299.9 412.7 508.4 420.7 338.4
Production Value, Million Gel 710.9 829.8 971.9 575.3 733.5 1016.2 230.0 288.2 356.1 330.6 256.6
Value Added, Million Gel 423.4 457.6 581.6 347.8 492.2 635.5 ... ... ... ... ...
Intermediate Consumption, Million Gel 287.5 372.2 390.3 .227.5. 241.3 380.8 ... ... ... ... ...
Fixed Assets, Million Gel 352.0 485.4 478.6 500.8 461.3 322.5 ... ... ... ... ...
Number of Employed, Thousand Person 25.3 26.6 27.7 20.2 20.7 22.5 20.6 21.8 23.6 23.1 20.9
Average Monthly Remuneration of Employed Persons, Gel 776.3 811.9 864.2 879.3 944.9 1126.3 1308.9 1458.9 1476.7 1592.6 1564.8
