21 March 2023

Gross Domestic Product of Georgia - IV Quarter, 2022 (PRELIMINARY)

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28 February 2023

Tendency of Economic Growth, Indicators of Monthly Economic Statistics (January,...

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31 January 2023

Rapid Estimates of Economic Growth, December 2022

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30 December 2022

Rapid Estimates of Economic Growth, November 2022

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26 December 2022

Regional Gross Domestic Product, 2021

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19 December 2022

Gross Domestic Product of Georgia III Quarter, 2022 (Preliminary)

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30 November 2022

Rapid Estimates of Economic Growth, October 2022

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15 November 2022

Gross Domestic Product of Georgia in 2021 (corrected)

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31 October 2022

Rapid Estimates of Economic Growth, September 2022

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