Preparatory works for the General Population Census have started in Tbilisi

Date: 3 October 2023

The National Statistics Office of Georgia within the framework of  preparatory work of the General Population Census 2024 started  visiting and collecting the relevant information in Tbilisi from October 2, 2023. The first phase of work involves listing the buildings and households of the above-mentioned municipalities. The first phase of work includes compilation of the lists of existing buildings and households living.


The first phase of work started in Samgori, KrtsanisI and Nadzaladevi districts. The field works will last until the first half of December and cover all districts and areas of Tbilisi.


The field work will be conducted by the 900 interviewers trained by Geostat. Data collection is carried out with the modern technologies using tablets. 


During the Phase I, the information regarding the country’s households and the number of people actually dwelling in households will be collected. That is necessary for conducting the General Population Census in the country.


It is planned to collect the data of the General Population Census 2024 in the period from 14 November to 19 December 2024. During this period, detailed information regarding the population size, and composition, as well as social, economic, and demographic characteristics, both at the level of self- governing unit as well as settlements ones.


This information is crucial in order to determine the demographic situation, and priorities of socio-economic developments, and inform the society in the country. In addition, the General Population Census is an important source for monitoring the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicators


In order to optimize the efficiency of available financial and human resources, the Agricultural Census will be carried out together with the Population Census in 2024. Therefore, along with the socio-demographic data, the information on households’ agricultural activities will be collected.


The previous General Population Census in Georgia was conducted in 2014.  
