Meeting with the Users of Statistical Information

Date: 27 November 2023

The National Statistics Office of Georgia held a working meeting with users of statistical information as part of the "50X2030 Initiative" project. 


The main objective of this meeting was to acquaint users with key aspects of agricultural statistics production, introduce new statistical products and share the accomplishments made under the "50X2030 Initiative project.


During the meeting, participants were introduced the main results of the “Survey of Machinery, Equipment and Assets Module in Agriculture". Additionally, new agricultural statistics products and indicators, including those aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicators, were presented to the users. 


The project "50X2030 Initiative" project is focused towards improving the infrastructure of agricultural statistics, developing capacities in this direction and expanding the production of official statistics on agriculture as well as contributing to Sustainable Development Goals and strengthening the reliability of indicators.
