Methodology of short-term business statistics - Interpretation and guidelines (2006 Edition, Eurostat)
PDFMethodology of short-term business statistics - associated documents (2006 Edition, Eurostat)
PDFBusiness Statistics (statistical outlines, b. 2, TACIS programm)
PDFInternational Recommendations for Construction Statistics (1997 Edition, UNSD)
PDFJoint Organisations Data Initiative - JODI Oil Manual
PDFExplanation for survey of construction activity (1997, Federal Statistical Office of Germany)
ZIPManual of energy statistics (Eurostat, OECD, International Energy Agency)
PDFInternational Recommandations for Energy Statistics
PDFJoint Organisations Data Initiative - JODI GAS Manual
PDFManual for statistics on energy consumption in households, 2013 year
PDFEnergy Efficiency Indicators: Fundamentals on statistics
PDFInternational Recommendations for Trade Statistics 2008 (2009 Edition, UNSD)
PDFEvolution of service statistics
PDFRoad freight transport methodology (2008 Edition, Eurostat)
PDFRoad Freight Transport Methodology, 2016, Eurostat
PDFGlossary for Transport Statistics, Eurostat, 2019
PDFMethodologies used in road freight transport surveys in Member States, EFTA and Candidate Countries
PDFGlossary for transport statistics - Third edition (2003 Edition, Eurostat)
PDFBusiness register - Recommendations manual (2010 Edition, Eurostat)
PDFEurostat-OECD Manual on Business Demography Statistics (Edition 2007, Eurostat, OECD)
PDFUse of administrative sources for business statistics purposes Handbook on good practices (1999 Edition, Eurostat)
PDFMethodology for Calculation of Key Indicators of Business Statistics
PDFInternational Recommendations for Tourism Statistics, 2008, UNWTO
PDFMethodological manual for tourism statistics, 2014, EUROSTAT
PDFTourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework 2008, UN, UNWTO, EUROSTAT, OECD, 2010
PDFGuidelines on Statistical Business Registers (UNECE, 2015)
PDFEuropean businesses statistics compilers’ manual for ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises
PDFGuidelines for Collecting, Reporting and Using Data on Innovation
PDFStatistical Requirements Compendium (2023 Edition, Eurostat)
PDFEuropean business statistics methodological manual for statistical business registers - 2021
PDFEuropean Business Statistics Manual – Dynamic edition (2021 Edition, Eurostat)